Common Questions Recruiters Ask

Common Questions Recruiters Ask and How Best to Answer Them

Embarking on a job search is an exciting journey filled with opportunities, challenges, and interviews. Recruiters play a crucial role in helping you find your perfect match, and our questions are the compass guiding you through the process. In this blog post, we’re here to demystify the seemingly intricate world of recruiter queries, uncovering the positive intentions behind common questions recruiters ask.

Common Questions Recruiters Ask

Common Questions Recruiters Ask and How Best to Answer Them

“Tell us about yourself.”

Consider this question as your moment to shine! We genuinely want to get to know you beyond your CV. Share your professional journey enthusiastically, emphasising key achievements and experiences that make you a standout candidate. We want to be able to sell you to the company you apply to for a job.


“What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

Here’s your chance to showcase your self-awareness. Highlight your strengths, and if appropriate make a direct connection to the job requirements. When discussing weaknesses, focus on how you’ve turned challenges into opportunities for growth and improvement.


“What are your reasons for wanting to leave your current job role?”

Be honest from the beginning so we can make sure we don’t put you forward for another job role that you’re not going to enjoy. We want you to go into a job that you love and where you’ll want to stay. Sometimes you may leave a role because the company culture didn’t fit well with you. This is something we can prevent from happening again.

If you’re currently unemployed we won’t see you in a bad light. Many companies are making redundancies based on first in, first out. Whatever the reason, we need to know the truth so we can help in the best way possible.


“What’s your notice period?”

Recruiters ask this question of candidates so we can inform our clients of a likely start date if you’re considering them for a role.


“What salary range are you looking for?”

Recruiters are interested to know where your expectations lie. We can also let you know what a realistic salary is given the current market, your qualifications if relevant and your experience.


“Where else have you sent your CV?

Recruiters ask this question so we know how far along you are in your job search and if you are currently interviewing for roles. We can then make sure you are still available if one of our clients likes your CV and wants to see you for an interview.



Answering questions from recruiters is great practice for answering these types of questions in an interview. By understanding the positive intentions behind recruiter questions, you can approach interviews with confidence and authenticity. Remember, these common questions recruiters ask are a chance to present yourself as the perfect fit for the job.

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