Interview Question What are your strengths and weaknesses

How to Master the Interview Question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

In the high-stakes world of job interviews, one question often leaves candidates feeling a bit uneasy: “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” It’s a classic, a staple of almost every interview, yet it still manages to catch many off guard. But fear not! With a little preparation and a dash of self-awareness, you can tackle this question like a pro and leave a lasting impression on your interviewer. Let’s now look at how to master the interview question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”

Interview Question What are your strengths and weaknesses

Understanding the Question

When interviewers ask about your strengths, they want to know what skills and qualities you bring to the table that make you a valuable asset to their team. On the flip side, when they inquire about weaknesses, they’re not looking for a laundry list of shortcomings. Instead, they’re interested in your self-awareness and your ability to acknowledge areas where you can improve.


Highlighting Your Strengths

When it comes to discussing your strengths, it’s essential to focus on qualities that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Think about the key skills and attributes that would make you successful in the role. Are you a stellar communicator? A master problem-solver? A natural leader? Whatever your strengths may be, be sure to provide concrete examples or anecdotes that demonstrate how you’ve utilised these strengths in previous roles or experiences.


Addressing Your Weaknesses

Now, let’s tackle the trickier part: discussing your weaknesses. The key here is to strike a balance between honesty and positivity. Avoid clichés like “I’m a perfectionist” or “I work too hard,” as they come across as insincere. Instead, think about areas where you genuinely have room for growth and improvement. Once you’ve identified a weakness, don’t just leave it hanging—outline the steps you’re taking to address it. This shows initiative and a willingness to learn and grow.


Crafting Your Response

When formulating your response to this question, structure is key. Start by briefly highlighting one or two of your strengths, providing examples to back them up. Then, smoothly transition into discussing a weakness, being careful to frame it in a constructive light. Finally, conclude by reiterating your commitment to personal and professional development.



  1. Should I be completely honest about my weaknesses?

Absolutely! However, it’s essential to strike a balance between honesty and tact. Focus on weaknesses that are relevant to the job and demonstrate your willingness to improve.


  1. Can I mention weaknesses that are unrelated to the job?

It’s generally best to stick to weaknesses that are relevant to the role you’re applying for. This shows that you understand the requirements of the position and are actively working to address any shortcomings.


  1. How many strengths and weaknesses should I mention?

Keep it concise! Aim to highlight one or two strengths and one weakness. Providing too many examples can dilute the impact of your response.


  1. Should I prepare specific examples of my strengths and weaknesses?

Absolutely! Providing concrete examples or anecdotes helps to illustrate your points and adds credibility to your response.


  1. What if I can’t think of any weaknesses?

Nobody’s perfect! If you’re struggling to identify a weakness, think about areas where you’ve received constructive feedback in the past or areas where you’d like to improve.


  1. Is it okay to mention weaknesses that I’m actively working on?

Absolutely! In fact, discussing your efforts to address a weakness demonstrates initiative and a commitment to self-improvement.


  1. Should I mention weaknesses that could be perceived as strengths?

It’s okay to mention weaknesses that have a flip side of being strengths, but be sure to provide context and explain how they can sometimes be a double-edged sword.


  1. How can I practice my response to this question?

Consider conducting mock interviews with a friend or mentor and ask for feedback on your responses. Practicing aloud can help you feel more comfortable and confident during the actual interview.



In conclusion, mastering the “strengths and weaknesses” question is all about preparation, self-awareness, and authenticity. By approaching the question thoughtfully and strategically, you can impress your interviewer and increase your chances of securing the job of your dreams. So, now that you know how to master the interview question “What are your strengths and weaknesses?”, it’s now time to go and practice them with a friend.

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