2i Recruit News

Interactive Learning

Support Your Employees After A Challenging Year With Interactive Learning

Firstly, we want to wish you all a happy and successful 2021! Last year was unexpected for most businesses and their employees but we’re looking forward to the year ahead with exciting plans. Our first exciting venture of the year is offering our clients a pioneering new way to provide live, virtual, interactive learning to

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How do recruitment agencies work

How do recruitment agencies work? Let us help you get back to work

  The purpose of the recruitment agency is to bring together talented people with the organisations where they have the potential to make the biggest difference and build successful careers. With extensive contacts and experience in ensuring that the best matches are made, recruitment agencies can be key partners for anyone currently looking to get

How do recruitment agencies work? Let us help you get back to work Read More »

Recruitment planning

Recruitment planning post COVID

  The first half of 2020 felt very much like the UK economy had hit pause, hiring was something that was put on the back burner as economic survival became the priority. However, the cyclical nature of economic downturns and resurgence means that at some point the economy will start to grow again and that

Recruitment planning post COVID Read More »