How can you create a more effective recruitment strategy?

Hiring trends have changed significantly this year, and the only way to ensure that your business is going to be able to use recruitment to drive growth is to underpin it with a robust strategy. Creating a strong hiring strategy is the first step to giving your organisation new tools for growth. So, where do you start? Well, we here at 2i Recruit have put together a list of steps you should take when re-evaluating your business recruitment strategy.

  • Look at the business as it is today – It’s important to look at how your enterprise is performing right now and what its most pressing needs are. It’s a good idea to integrate business goals and objectives so that any hiring strategy you create is closely tied to these concepts, providing a clearer direction for your overall recruitment strategy.
  • Looking to the future – There’s a certain amount of calculated guesswork involved in this, especially given the influence of unpredictable factors, such as COVID-19 and Brexit. However, you can still start to map out where you think the business might need new people and which areas need adapting. Are there currently any skill shortages that you need to factor in and where could seasonal change affect the demands on your workforce?
  • Which channels are you going to use? – If this process has been entirely handled in-house and not yielded particularly impressive results, then perhaps it’s time to opt for an external recruitment partner. Maybe you’ve been reliant on job ads but feel that these just aren’t reaching the right audience or advertising on jobs websites that don’t seem to attract the right people. There are so many channels available for recruitment today – for example, candidates are increasingly searching via social media for new roles and this could be a simple way to reach a whole new audience of qualified individuals.
  • Review what you’re offering – Regardless of the state of the employment market, if you want to attract the best people, then your salary and benefits packages need to be competitive. Now is the ideal time to look at whether you are really providing value for potential employees when it comes to the financial side of things. Consider whether you also offer enough opportunities for personal growth – this is increasingly important to candidates today, whether that’s specific job training or acquiring new general skills via digital learning.
  • Set some metrics – How are you going to determine whether the approach that you’ve decided upon is really working? Defining the ways in which you measure your change in strategy’s success is a vital component to make sure you and your business are heading in the right direction when it comes to evolving and improving your workforce.

People are the biggest asset for any organisation today, especially when it comes to navigating the complex economic and public health landscape that is currently impacting every industry. If you’re looking to rethink your recruitment strategy, then please do not hesitate to contact one of our specialists here at 2i Recruit to learn more about the digital learning packages we offer, as well as gain access to our vast pool of excellent candidates perfect for your next hire.

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